Saturday, May 28, 2011

Creativity - Our Lifeline to The Creator!

“But I’m not an artist!” I hear this statement frequently from friends, clients,  and students.  Are you breathing? Yes?  Then you are an aspect of Creative Intelligence, therefore innately creative and intelligent. As human being we are creative beings, however, somewhere between 2 and 3rd grade we may have forgotten. Perhaps Little Johnny’s crayon rendition of a tree got picked for the art fair and yours did not. Perhaps you had a sibling who could draw really well, so you decided it wasn’t your thing, or perhaps you got a C in a craft class. Or maybe you KNEW you were an artist, but in high school or college you were told to pick a more logical career, or the term “starving artist” got stuck in your psyche. Whatever the reason the artist was put in the closet, or set to the side, I invite you to extend your hand to the creative aspect that resides inside of you, bring them out into the sunshine and into the world.

I know it can be scary to put the toe in the creativity pond, but we can go slow. Rather than going to the art store and picking up a 4 foot canvas, tubes of paint, and a dozen brushes, it can be less daunting to pull out old magazines and tear out pictures that make you happy. Then arrange them on a piece of cardboard or poster board. You may be amazed by a theme that emerges. This process can literally be a doorway to your heart, a portal to your soul and give you valuable feedback about who you are and why you are here.

Another suggestion is to look at the activities you participated in as a child… there is always valuable information about what aligns us to that something greater, to fulfillment, and joy. I have never gone into a kindergarten classroom while involved in an art project, where the children were not having a GREAT (and sometimes very messy) time. As kids we LOVE to play and create. It’s not about WHAT we create, it is that we GET to create! When we get back in touch with that joyful, happy, creative being, we naturally and easily come into alignment, greater health, and deeper fulfillment.

As a kid I loved to sit outside on the grass with crayons and pencils and draw. I also loved to collect colorful stones, play with clay, and pick flowers. As life became more serious, I put my “childish habits” away. Somewhere along the line I also started to get depressed, anxious, and sick. In my Masters Program at the University of Santa Monica, part of the healing process included inviting back the inner child. “Little Tammi” told me in no uncertain terms, it was time to create. I was scared, but I complied. As I did, I started to feel the fog of sadness lift, and a ray of golden sunshine pierce the gray that had become my life. Creativity, and my inner child, have been my constant companions ever since. And now I love supporting others in tapping into the well of fun, joy, beauty, and wisdom within.

As I hold the hands and hearts of my students when they come to an Art for Healing class or Mandala class, I assure them that everything is going to be O.K. They have already done the hardest part…they showed up. I make the process accessible, simple, and fun. By the end of the class many have said: “I can’t believe I created that!” Well, you didn’t do it alone, God did it through you! This is why I create and why I support others in creating. It is a lifeline to the Divine.

If you are ready for a more fulfilling life, greater health, more love, and more joy, consider creativity.  Look up classes in your area and see what ignites a spark inside of you. Ask your inner child what would be fun for them, and DO IT! Create a collage and send me a picture, I LOVE this stuff!

You can also go to my radio interview with creative genius, artist, author, inventor, jewlery designer and mother, Elizabeth Bryan at

Let me know your thoughts and be in touch if you need a "Creativity Coach" or want to share your creations. I would truly love to hear from you! God bless and may you have a happy, healthy, prosperous, and creative life!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Ah Mothers Day, a holiday created to honor and acknowledge our Moms. Perhaps you called your mom, got her flowers, took her to brunch, or purchased a card or gift. If your mother is no longer in physical form maybe you thought of her, or said a prayer on her behalf. Perhaps some of you reading this blog are not on the best of terms with your mother, but I would imagine, even if this is the case, you can conjure up appreciation for the gift of life.  If you are a mother, perhaps you were celebrated on this day, I certainly hope so!  To be a mother is the most profound gift of the soul, of sacrifice and of great love.

I think it is wonderful to acknowledge our Earthly mothers, and regardless of that relationship, I think it is also powerful and important to take time to acknowledge and appreciate Mother Earth, the Divine Feminine, and the feminine qualities that reside in each and every one of us.

The qualities of compassion, connection, kindness and love are that of the feminine. Others include support, nurturing, sharing, and deep affection.  So if you have ever had someone see the best in you, hold you as you cried, laughed with you, celebrated with you, sat with you when you were sick, sad or confused, you experienced the energy of the feminine. This is ultimately the energy of God, Spirit and the Universe. God consistently sees the best in us, wants to sooths our hurts, forgives our mistakes, loves us unconditionally, appreciates us, is amused with us, and wants to bestow great gifts upon us…if we can receive them!

Living with an open heart is the energy of the feminine. If you have given of yourself without an agenda, seen someone through the eyes of love, if you have encouraged one who felt sad, lonely or confused, if you experience empathy or compassion for someone in pain, if you have uttered a prayer on anyone’s behalf, if you have prepared a meal, given a gift, smiled, laughed or felt a connection with someone, I am acknowledging you on this incredible and magnificent “Day of the Mother!”

The world feels out of balance to me, it feels masculine in the extreme. The energy of war, competition and greed has taken us off track and into a world of hurt. I think by taking a moment to acknowledge the feminine it can create miracles and bring us back to a sense of peace, balance, softness, sweetness, appreciation, and love.

  So join me if you will, and open your heart in deep gratitude to your mother, to Mother Earth, to Spirit, and to yourself. Send out blessings of gratitude and love, and then open your heart WIDE to receive every drop of love, kindness, and affection ever given to you from your mother, and from every person, animal, angel, guide, nature and God. Relax into this moment of connection, appreciation and great love - generously giving and graciously receiving. And know I am sending you blessings of mother’s day affection, respect and love from my heart to yours!