I am known by many as a Relationship Expert and a Prosperity
Coach. But I did not come by these titles
easily! I have made many mistakes and
struggled intensely with love - and money!
But now I know the terrain well and am currently on the other side of
struggle. Now want to support YOU in
living a life of grace, ease and great love – IF you are ready to claim it, and
IF you really want it.
Here are five simple
steps you can take to open to more love in your life:
Set your
intentions! Get clear and claim what it is you really,
really want and WRITE IT DOWN. Intention setting is like giving clear direction
to the Universe, and writing things down is the greatest predictor for
manifestation. It is also a way to “give
roots” in the physical world to our heart’s desires. So if you want more love,
you may write something like “I ready to claim and live a life of great love!”
You may choose to into detail, or you can keep it as short affirmation that you
can commit to memory, and repeat to yourself often.
others the way you want to be treated. What we put out, we get back. This
is the law of attraction, resonance, karma or the “boomerang effect.” So if you
want others to respect you, respect the people in your life. If you want
appreciation and kindness, do things that represent appreciation and
kindness. Are there people you care
about that you can send a thoughtful handwritten note to? Are you open to being
someone else’s angel and participate in some random acts of kindness? Small
action steps can open the door to huge miracles – and invite more love into
your life!
3. Treat yourself the way you want others to
treat you. We attract, and are attracted to people who treat us like we
treat ourselves. So, consider how you
want to be treated - and treat yourself that way! Look in the mirror and say the words you long
to hear. Pay attention to the words you speak to yourself about yourself. And
if they are not loving, plug in a “self- love affirmation” and change the
channel back to K-LOVE!
It has been said prayer is like talking to God and meditating is like listening
to God. We all have the “still small voice of wisdom within” but most people
don’t allow their minds to get quiet long enough to hear it! You don’t have to be a marathon meditator, just
5 – 10 minutes in the morning of simply focusing on your breath, opening your
heart, and asking your Soul Self or Source to share its wisdom, is enough to
open the floodgates to grace, synchronicity, otherworldly guidance, and
incredible heart-expanding love!
5. Listen to guided meditations. Guided meditations are simply meditation with
a guide. They are the most powerful way I know of, to clear old habits of fear,
limiting beliefs and dueling intentions, and claim a life of joy, prosperity and
great love. It is a way you can upload
new positive content to your subconscious mind, that will serve your conscious
mind, and help you manifest the life of your dreams.
Implementing these 5 simple steps can change the course your
life is a positive and empowered way! And if you are ready to uplevel the
relationship you are in, want to attract love, desire a more loved-based life,
or are ready to cultivate deeper self-love, I am offering my brand new “Manifesting
Love” program at academy.tammiphd.com
This program includes:
~ The PDF of my book “Manifesting Love From the Inside Out”
~ 12 guided meditations &
~ A private session with me.
This is a $500 value for $97.00 Please email me at tammibphd@gmail.com if you have
questions or would like more information.
And finally, if you are in the Boise area I will be the
first featured speaker for “Cosmic Conversation” at the Center for Spiritual
Living, at 6:30 Wednesday February 18. I
will be discussing these principles AND facilitating a guided meditation to
remove subconscious blocks to your hearts desires. I would LOVE to see you there! Click here and
scroll down for more information: http://cslboise.org/calendar/
Abundant blessings of grace, ease, prosperity and great