Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Freedom and Independence!

I have to say, the Fourth of July is one of my very favorite holidays! Partly because it is the middle of summer (my favorite season), the relaxed BBQ’s with family and friends, and of course the beautiful sparkly colorful fireworks. These things all make my heart smile. Another reason I love it is because it represents the freedom and independence of our nation. 

As I looked a bit deeper at this, I realized part of this is because I have worked so hard to achieve my personal freedom and independence. 

As a young girl I was very insecure. This translated to an insecure young adult. I looked outside of myself for help, for validation, and for people to do the things I did not believe I could do.  In other words I had an inclination to make others more important than myself, and often, in essence, my higher power. 

You may have heard the phrase “false Idols will fall.”  It was not that I was consciously looking for idols, I just had very little belief in myself. And as things would unfold, every false idol did indeed fall. I was betrayed, abandoned, people got tired of the games, I got tired of the games. I was finally just left with me….this is when I started having some serious and authentic conversation with the Universe. 

As I turned inward and upward, as I started praying and meditating, I was prompted to go in a very different direction in my life. I found myself in school studying hypnotherapy, psychology and spiritual psychology. Life started making more sense. The journey was not easy, but I was met with grace. 

Today, I have no inclination to give my power away, nor do I believe I need anyone to do anything for me. The power of the Universe lies within me, as it does each and every one of us. 

What have come to understand, is that an Idol is anything that takes the place of God in our lives. God is our Source, God is our core, and if we want our lives to work, God needs to be the priority in our lives. 

If we do not cultivate this relationship we come from ego and a sense of separation, this is the root of dependence, competition, fear and insecurity; we are trapped in an unconscious prison of our own making.

My spiritual teachers would say, “All of our pain comes from our perceived disconnection from God.” As we open our heart to this aligned connection with our Creator, we feel more safe, supported, and loved. We become more independent and do not look to others to be our Gods. We can start to show up as spiritual adults in relationships and in our lives. 

This is true freedom and authentic independence. And just as America is said to be the land of the free because of the brave, we become free as we are brave enough to start to make our relationship with our Creator/ The Universe/God our primary intention.  It can indeed take courage and a leap of faith, and it may not always be easy but it will be met with grace.

You are adored and loved unconditionally by an infinitely powerful Creator, and this energy is imbued within you; it is your true essence. 

You are more powerful than you know, more exquisite than you can imagine, and more beautiful than you can fathom. If you could see yourself as God sees you, you would be astonished by your beauty. Once you accept, believe and receive this, you naturally start to experience a profound sense of freedom. You can begin to dance in partnership with the Divine, celebrating a Cosmic love affair, in your rightful place as a royal heir to the Universe. 

This is how we live a life of deep faith, synchronicity, and miracles, with grace, ease, and a peace beyond understanding.

Sending you blessings of courage, freedom, independence, and Immense love.

Tammi Baliszewski, Ph.D.