Mandala Monday – YES, YES, YES!!!
Joseph Campbell has a wonderful quote: “The big question is whether you are going to be able to say a hearty YES to your adventure.” I was inspired when I read this, so I wrote a letter to God saying YES: Yes to my adventure! Yes I want to go deeper! Yes I want to reach higher! Yes I want to expand! And YES I want to awaken!
Abraham Hicks has said only 2 people out of 10 are really committed to being here - and I get it! It is HARD to be human! The majority has one foot in and one foot out of the earthly experience…this is why most struggle so intensely physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. I admit, for many years I was one or those people, and life did not work very well. As I have taken greater responsibility, and started to say yes, the tides have turned in a positive and powerful direction. It takes courage, patience, and faith to commit to being human, to commit to ourselves, to healing and expansion. You have probably heard the saying: Better the devil you know than the angel you don’t. The majority of people are afraid of change, and control is the biggest addiction we have as human beings.
There is a big difference between “getting old” and “growing older.” We have a choice, we can either expand or contract as we age. Unfortunately elders are not revered in our society, but there are the rare individuals who do not allow society to dictate who they are, what they do, their value, or their zest for life. Dr. Maya Angelou is in her 80’s and one of the most revered and dynamic elders of our time. I believe this is because she keeps saying YES to life, YES to learning, and YES to love.
My sister came to visit. I asked her if she would come to the studio with me, she said YES (yippee!) I asked her if she would paint, she said NO :( I knew better than to try to convince her. I have learned the hard way; you cannot force someone to go where they do not want to go. When we got to the studio, I asked her which color called to her, she quickly picked out a metallic bronze. Then I asked her which mandala shape she liked and she chose a powerful 6 pointed star. One step followed the other and soon my little sister was deep in the creative process. She kept saying yes to each next little step...and before we knew it, she had birthed an extraordinary work of art (which is featured on this weeks blog!) I am so proud of her, and I encouraged her to be proud of herself. It takes great courage to step out of one’s comfort zone, to surrender control, and do something they have never done before.
My sister inspired me to keep saying YES, YES, YES! Yes to Spirit, Yes to me, yes to being of service and yes to each next little step (even if it is scary or uncomfortable). And I promise to take the time to acknowledge myself and express gratitude for being on this amazing, crazy, fun-filled, human adventure!
Are you saying yes? Are you at least thinking about it? Share your thoughts, feelings and comments - I would love to hear from you!
So wonderful to read. Very inspiring, and a reminder that we only age if we stop expanding and saying yes!! Love the mandala, the colors and shape are both beautiful, and shows you what you can create if only you take a risk.